Document Type : Case Reports


1 Dept. of Pathology and Surgery, Afzalipour Medical School, Kerman, Iran

2 Dept. of Pathology, Liverpool Medical School, Liverpool, England

3 Dept. of Pathology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada


Localized Leishmania Lymphadenitis (L.L.L) is a self limited clinical presentation of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Microscopic findings in L.L.L are very similar to Toxoplasma lymphasenitis. In all cases, an intensive microscopic search should be done for Leishman bodies. In this study, we describe our microscopic findings and results of our immnohistochemical (IHC) study with a panel of monoclonal antibodies against T-Cells, B-Cells, histiocytes, Langerhans cells, and dendritic reticulum cells. Morphologic and immunohistochemical study in this case showed expanded paracortical tissue with many small clusters of epithelioid histiocytes and large reactive B follicles. Immature sinus histiocytosis in subcapsular and trabecular sinuses was also seen.
