Document Type : Original Research


Dept. of Pathology, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.


  Objective: To review Her-2/neu and Tp53 status and their correlation with all other prognostic clinicopathologic features of infiltrative ductal breast carcinomas. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was performed on 139 patients with infiltrative ductal breast carcinoma who were diagnosed between May 2000 and March 2006 at the surgery and pathology departments of Alzahra Hospital, Isfahan, Iran. Immunostaining (IHC) for Tp53 and Her2/neu were performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues based on an avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex technique. The relationship of these markers with clinicpathologic parameters including age, axillary lymph nodes status, tumor size and histological grade were evaluated. Results: It was found out that Her2/neu-positive cases were greater among metastatic lymph nodes than in patients without metastasis, however it was not significant (p=0.1). A significant association was also observed between Her2/neu status and tumor grading (p=0.01). On the contrary, no association was found with other clinicpathologic parameters. In this study, Tp53 presentation in high-grade carcinomas was significantly more as compared to low grade ones (p=0.03). A significant association was also observed between Tp53 and tumor size (p =0.01). There was no association with menopausal status and lymph node status. Conclusion: IHC determined that Her-2/neu and Tp53 expressions are not associated with nodal and menopause status. Conversely, a correlation was found between Her-2/neu, Tp53 expressions and high histological grade of tumor. However, to validate these findings, long-term prospective studies on patients’ survival are necessary.  
